You can find data of Guatemala in this page. The data has been gathered at municipalities level. Our goal is adding more data and information as we are able to collect more data.
For now, you can find the following data and information:
Use the interactive report below to find out the population and population density at country, department, or municipality level. Click on each of the departments, municipalities, population categories, or population categories to filter the data.
The report has two pages, one is showing a map, and the other one is showing a table with the detail of municipalities and the demographic variables.
Use the interactive report below to view and analyze the births at country, department, or municipality level. Click on each of the departments, municipalities to filter the data.
The report has several pages, for more specific analysis by:
Use the arrows at the bottom of the report to switch between pages.
Use the interactive report below to view and analyze the deaths at country, department, or municipality level. Click on each of the departments, municipalities to filter the data.
The report has several pages, for more specific analysis by:
Use the arrows at the bottom of the report to switch between pages.
Use the interactive report below to view and analyze the schools and amount of students at country, department, or municipality level. Click on each of the departments, municipalities to filter the data.
The report has several pages, for more specific analysis by:
Use the arrows at the bottom of the page to switch between pages.
Use the interactive report below to view and analyze the public health service spots at country, department, or municipality level.
Click on each of the departments, municipalities to filter the data. You can also filter by clicking on the Hospital, caimi, catp, csalud, psalud options.
The other two filters are, one for the population range, and the other one classify each municipality according to how much is the population covered by the public health system.
Use the arrows at the bottom of the page to switch between pages.
Use the interactive report below to view and analyze the private health service coverage at country, department, or municipality level.
Click on each of the departments, municipalities to filter the data. You can also filter by clicking on the Hospital, caimi, catp, csalud, psalud options.
The other two filters are, one for the population range, and the other one classify each municipality according to how much is the population covered by the public health system.
Use the arrows at the bottom of the page to switch between pages.
Use the interactive report below to view and analyze more details about the private health service spots at country, department, or municipality level.
Click on each of the departments, municipalities to filter the data. You can also filter by clicking on the “Clasif salud basica” to evaluate the coverage level.
Use the interactive report below to view and analyze the results of the 2023 presidential election at country, department, or municipality level. Click on each of the departments, municipalities to filter the data.
You can view and analyze the population, number of municipalities, voters in the first and second election, and the percentage of the population that participated in the election.